10069 Are you sure you want to delete the file '%s'?
10070 Confirm Multiple Item Delete
10071 Are you sure you want to delete these %ld items?
10072 Confirm Folder Delete
10073 Are you sure you want to delete the folder '%s'?
10074 Confirm Site Delete
10075 Are you sure you want to delete the site '%s'?
10076 Transfer aborted
10077 Enter the name of the folder to make the current working folder:
10078 Password mismatch
10079 FTP Site
10080 Folder
10081 Link
10082 File
10083 Connected
10084 Waiting for password
10085 Getting directory
10086 Couldn't get directory
10087 None
10088 SITE hostname
10089 USER after logon
10090 USER with no logon
10091 Proxy OPEN
10092 USER remoteID@remoteHost fireID
10093 USER fireID@remoteHost
10094 Transparent
10095 USER remoteID@fireID@remoteHost
10096 <reserved>
10097 <reserved>
10098 <reserved>
10099 <reserved>
10100 <reserved>
10101 WS_FTP: Open WS_FTP Pro Explorer Sites Window
10102 WS_FTP: Open Site Window
10103 WS_FTP: Successful Connection
10104 WS_FTP: Failed Connection
10105 WS_FTP: Successful Transfer
10106 WS_FTP: Failed Transfer
10107 File Deletion
10108 WS_FTP: Delete FTP Site
10109 WS_FTP: Delete Folder
10110 WS_FTP: Delete File
10111 WS_FTP: Delete Link
10112 WS_FTP: Select Parent Folder
10113 WS_FTP: Need Password
10114 WS_FTP: Explorer closing the WS_FTP .DLL
10115 Version %1!d!.%2!02d! Build %3!d! (%4!s!, %5!s!)
10116 WS_FTP: Failed Operation
10117 File doesn't exist
10118 Connect To Firewall
10119 Connect To Host
10120 Bytes Transfered:
10121 File Transfer
10122 Do you want to %1!s! the selected folder structure(s) to\n%2!s!?
10123 Can't locate specified .INI file
10124 Disconnected from %s
10125 Getting FTP sites
10126 An e-mail address is required.
10127 Folder Deletion
10128 Open
10129 Open w/Prompt
10130 Explore
10131 Copy
10132 Delete
10133 Rename
10134 Item Properties
10135 Site Properties
10136 Properties
10137 Change Directory
10138 View Log
10139 Disconnect
10140 Disconnect All
10141 Select
10142 Help Topics
10143 move
10144 copy
10145 WS_FTP Pro Explorer
10146 Missing required FTP site information
10147 Delete
10148 Properties
10149 %s object(s) selected
10150 Transfer Failed
10151 Couldn't locate source of drag!
10152 WS_FTP was not found on your system
10153 WS_FTP was found on your system
10154 Name already exists
10155 Saving restart info for %1!s! - %2!s!
10156 %ld seconds
10157 %1!ld! minutes, %2!ld! seconds
10158 %1!ld! hours, %2!ld! minutes
10159 Not known (Opened so far %s)
10160 %s bytes
10161 Chmod failed. It may not be supported on remote host.
10162 %1!s! of %2!s! bytes
10163 Unknown
10164 bytes per second
10165 Resume transfer of:\n%1!s!\nto:\n%2!s!
10166 Copy of %s
10167 Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!
10168 Do you want the WS_FTP Pro Explorer icon\nplaced on your desktop?
10169 Are you sure you want to delete the folder '%s'?\n\nIf you select 'Yes', then all files and folders in and below\nthis folder will be permanently deleted and can not be recovered.
14006 It doesn't appear this application was\ninstalled properly with Install!
30001 Phone:
30002 FAX:
30003 Unable to allocate temporary memory.\nClose other programs and retry.
30004 Unable to lock temporary memory.\nClose other programs and retry.
30005 Unable to locate %s. Please obtain \na valid keyfile before running this software!
30006 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nThis evaluation started %2!s!\nand expired on %3!s!!\nTo purchase a permanent copy of\n %4!s!, please contact\nyour reseller or:\n\n
30007 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nYour evaluation copy will expire tommorrow!\nTo purchase a permanent copy of\n%2!s!, please contact\nyour reseller or:\n\n
30008 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nYour evaluation copy will expire in %2!d! days.\nTo purchase a permanent copy of\n%3!s!, please contact\nyour reseller or:\n\n
30009 The key file appears to have been altered and is\nno longer valid. If you have the original key file, please\nrestore it. (Or your date and time are incorrect!)
30010 Thank you for evaluating %1!s!.\nYour evaluation copy will expire on\n%2!s!. A reminder notice will\nbe displayed during the last seven days\nof your evaluation. To purchase a permanent\ncopy, please contact your reseller or:\n\n